Exhibitions, Publications & Bio
Why Photography?
Photography is not just about documentation; it is a form of storytelling, a medium through which I can evoke emotions and provoke thought. It allows me to satisfy my wanderlust by exploring diverse cultures, landscapes and industries before they disappear. Fine Art Photography is not just about taking artistic photographs, but also about converting photographs into a work of art.
Photography is my excuse to travel the world, my tool for preserving memories, and my avenue for artistic exploration and finding fresh viewpoints. It allows me to share my passion for discovery and appreciation of beauty with others, and to forge a connection between the viewer and the motive.
Recent Exhibitions and Awards
- solo exhibition of photographic works at the Petra Benteler Kunststiftung in Murnau. May/June 2024
- judges choice no.1 in the landscape category, asmp (American Society of Media Photographers) in the “best of” members only photo contests.
- commended in the SIPA Siena International Photo Awards
- Finalist HeadOn Photo Awards, Sydney, Australia, portrait category. https://headon.org.au/exhibitions/head-on-portrait-awards-2024
- Finalist HeadOn Photo Awards, Sydney, Australia, exposure category.https://headon.org.au/exhibitions/head-on-exposure-awards-2024
- Finalist Eyeshot Awards and honorable mention, series category. https://www.eyeshotstreetphotography.com/birgit-neiser/
- Semi-finalist HeadOn Photo Awards, Sydney, Australia
- Semi-finalist HeadOn Photo Awards, Sydney, Australia
- group exhibition, open studios of artists in the municipality of Miesbach, Germany, May 2020
- Finalist of the “Freemantle Portrait Prize”, Australia
- Monovisions Photography Awards: Winner of the Black and white Landscape Series of the year 2019
- Monovisions Photography Awards: Honorable mention in the following categories: architecture, photojournalism, landscape, fine art.
- Finalist in the City of Sydney, Art & About photo competition, Sydney, Australia
- “Catching the Light”. Solo exhibition and book launch at the Deitta gallery, Yangon, Myanmar.
- “New Day”. Solo exhibition and book launch at the lovaasprojects gallery, Munich, Germany
- “New Day”. Solo exhibition and book launch at Neue Galerie, Berlin, Germany.
- “Zivilisation”. Solo show at the embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Bern, Switzerland.
- Finalist in Head On Photography Prize 2015, Sydney, Australia.
- 2015: Artists of Mosman, group show, Mosman Art Gallery, NSW, Australia.
- 2014: “Photo Compendium Australia” launch and print sale, group show,Spot81, Sydney, Australia.
- 2014: “Kultur und Wissenschaft – Schlüssel zur Zukunft. 60 Jahre diplomatische Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Myanmar”, groupexhibition, Lichthof Auswärtiges Amt/Foreign Office, Berlin.
- 2013/2014: ”Golden Land – 100 Years Burma/Myanmar. Photographs by Christine Scherman and Birgit Neiser”, National Museum Yangon, Myanmar and Archeological Museum Bagan, Myanmar, January -April 2014
- 2013/2014: “Goldenes Land – 100 Jahre Burma/Myanmar. Fotografien von Christine Scherman und Birgit Neiser” (Golden Land – 100 years Burma/Myanmar. Photographsby Christine Scherman and Birgit Neiser), Museum Fünf Kontinente (Museum Five Continents), formerlyStaatliches Museum für Völkerkunde, München (State Museum ofEthnology, Munich), Germany.
- 2012: “Surface Tensions”, co-exhibition with painter Jules Forth, http://www.julesforth.com/ at Meyer Gallery, Sydney, Australia.
- 2012: “Große Kunstausstellung 2012″, groupexhibition at AK68, Wasserburg, Germany,
- 2012: group exhibition of the finalists of the Renaissance Photography Prize. The Mall Gallery, London, UK
- 2011: group exhibition, Kunstausstellung Tegernsee, Germany
- 2011: Santa Fé Workshops, contest summer 2012: honourable mention, published in their book “SUMMER” .
- 2011: group exhibition, Congress Centre, Wiesbaden, Germany
- 2011: group exhibition of the finalists of the Renaissance Photography Prize. The Mall Gallery, London, UK.
- 2010: solo exhibition “INDUSTRIA” at the Mary Meyer Gallery, Sydney, Australia.
- 2010: “SYSTEMS” at the “Studio Galerie”, co-exhibition with sculptor Christian Hess, Gmund, Germany.
- 2010: Canon AIPP/APPA Professional Photography Awards: silver award
- 2010: Shortlisted for the Head On portrait competition, Sydney, Australia.
- 2010: Group Exhibition “Endless perspectives”, Obscura Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.
- 2009: Finalist in the Mosman photography competition, Mosman Art Gallery, Sydney, Australia
- 2009: Finalist in the City of Sydney, Art & About photo competition, Sydney, Australia.
- 2009: Solo exhibition “CAUGHT”: Photographs of life at the Sydney Fish Market, Mosman Art Gallery, Sydney, Australia.
- 2009: Sommerausstellung der Kunsthalle Cornelia Hamman (group exhibition of artists of the gallery Cornelia Hammans) Warngau, Germany.
- 2009: Winner in the Fresh M.I.L.K. ( Moments of Intimacy Laughter and Kinship) photography competition. Winners are published in the book Fresh M.I.L.K: Friends, Families, Lovers and Laughter (PQ Blackwell, Auckland, New Zealand, 2009).
Publications and featured photographs/articles
- 2014: Represented in: “Photo Compendium Australia”, ISBN 978-0-9873536-0-3
- 2014: see photos and article in: “Myanmar. Von Pagoden, Longyis und Nat-Geistern”, Dorothée Schäfer, München 2014, ISBN 978-3422072671
- 2013: Golden Land. Burma/Myanmar – 100 years. Photographs by Christine Scherman and Birgit Neiser, ISBN 978-3-927270-70-1
- 2013: “Goldenes Land. 100 Jahre Burma/Myanmar: Fotografien von Christine Scherman und Birgit Neiser”. 123 pages, €24.80. ISBN-13: 978-3927270695.
- 2011: Represented in: “Australian Photography and Gallery Compendium”,
ISBN 978-0-646-55504-1 - 2009: Represented in: “Fresh M.I.L.K: Friends, Families, Lovers and Laughter”, PQ Blackwell, Auckland, New Zealand
- 1998: Publication of “Leonhardi” (ISBN 3892512639), a photojournalistic book on the tradition of pilgrimage in Bavaria, Germany
The following books are available at Blurb’s bookstore:
- “Haggerstone Island” http://au.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/1651851, ebook version: http://store-au.blurb.com/ebooks/273588-haggerstone-island
- “…scapes”, 2010. Available at blurb.com/books/1546457, ebook version: http://store-au.blurb.com/ebooks/273591-scapes
- “just a moment”, 2010. Available at blurb.com/books/1549492, ebook version: http://store-au.blurb.com/ebooks/273590-just-a-moment-birgit-neiser
- “CAUGHT – Photographs of Life at the Sydney Fish Market”, 2009. Available at blurb.com/books/742969, ebook version: http://store-au.blurb.com/ebooks/273593-caught

“Catching the Light – a journey across Myanmar”
by River Books, 256 pages, black and white photographs. Evocative images capturing day-to-day life in Burma and images rarely seen by the Western traveller. Available at selected bookstores and Amazon.
Education and photographic studies
- M.A. in Economics, University of Freiburg, Germany
- Maine Media Workshops (Maine, USA), International Centre for Photography (NYC, USA).
- Studied with photographers Michael Cardacino (USA), John Paul Caponigro (USA), Magnum photographer Jay Maisel (USA) and photographer Carol Dragon (USA)
Professional memberships:
- ASMP (American Society for Media Photographers, USA) since 1998.