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Lake Eyre

It could be a once in a lifetime trip to go to Lake Eyre in Southern Australia this year until approximately September. If rain has fallen generously in Queensland at the beginning of the year, the runoff eventually finds its way down to South Australia and starts filling the lowest part of the country at 12m below sealevel.

This happens every 10 years on average. Normally a saltplane, water suddenly creeps in and awakens wildlife and tourists who flock to this natural phenomenon called Lake Eyre. Contrary to common belief, the waters are not navigable this year and access on foot is not possible.

Therefore the only way to get a good view of the lake is from a bird´s eye perspective. A helicopter ride at sunrise came very close to how wildlife sees it. Enjoy the photos. I would like to thank our guide Dave Burg for his wonderful insight into this spectacular region of Australia.


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