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Sydney Heritage Fleet Sydney Heritage Fleet

The Sydney Heritage Fleet is my favourite place in Sydney. Not only do you meet wonderful people but they have a purpose. And great old vessels to work on. Please visit for more information. On the website, it says:

“A community-based non-profit organisation, the Fleet’s mission is: To build and maintain an internationally recognised centre of excellence in maritime heritage for the benefit of all Australians by presenting through research, acquisition, conservation, restoration, education and operation, our continuing maritime history.

The Fleet is funded through donationsmembership subscriptions and income from vessel charters and tours.

The Fleet’s 1200 strong membership and 450 dedicated volunteer workers restore, operate and maintain the fleet of vintage vessels. In the process they preserve traditional technical methods and skills.”

Help them continue this work and donate. In return, you might even get a print or two if you order some because proceeds go towards the cause. I have been photographing at the Sydney Heritage Fleet for some time, and now some  of the images are on their online gallery and for sale. Please have a look and order through

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